Wednesday, October 13, 2004

new music and more

why is it that the list of cds i desire never diminishes. it grows faster than i can afford to buy them, thats why. today i decided that i needed to purchase some new music, so i looked at my finances determining that i could. with a little help from my roommate who says, "music is awesome. the more, the merrier," and with some uneeded prompting from (free shipping), i bought three new ones.
exciting! i bet you are wondering what i bought.
ok, i'll share.
>True Love Waits: O'Riley Plays Radiohead
>Ours, Distorted Lullibies
>Pedro the Lion, Achilles Heel

here is some pretty gross news about me for you. yesterday i picked at the skin around the middle finger on my left hand while i was waiting at the pharmacy. i'd like to think that because of the perfectionist in me, i couldn't stop. or maybe the obsessive compulsion in me. whatever. there was skin hanging so i kept picking. wouldn't you know, i was left with a bloddy mess. sick. i gross myself out. and it hurts. really bad. winter skin has already begun. sadness overcomes me.

also check out these websites.
clicking the box on the breast cancer site (for free) assists in providing free mammograms for underprivlided women in the US.
clicking the box on the hunger site (for free) helps to provide food for the hungry.
these things take virtually no time, so... DO IT!
i checked this out to make sure they were valid... so hopefully they are.


At 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pedro--HOT PICK. Been on my box a lot today. The critics don't know jack.

Why stop the clicking at just breasts and food when you can help children, pets, and monkeys, too! See the tabs on the top of the click-to-help sites.

I feel so much more compassionate than usual today. I owe you one, E-Rawk.


At 9:21 AM, Blogger erin said...

glad to assist in upping your level of compassion. and thanks for pointing out the other tabs. silly me, i didn't even notice them. you can rest assured that i clicked each of them today. playing my small role.
happy day to you.


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