Thursday, November 11, 2004


do you ever want to be destructive?
do you ever just want to tear something apart?
not because you feel anger, just because its sitting there already broken.

i'm sure that intro makes me sound kinda psycho, but...

i was just sitting here putting endless labels on envelopes... when i picked up the little squishy thing that supposedly protects my dainty wrist from carpal tunnel syndrome. i tore it up. i pulled off the cover. ripped away the plastic. pulled out the squishy stuff and played with it for a while and then threw it away.
then i turned back to the task and hand and wondered to myself. self, why did you do that?
hum... lifes many questions.


At 7:16 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

awesome! that should have been a movie scene.

At 3:58 PM, Blogger allan said...

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