Monday, May 23, 2005

doctors orders

sometimes what one needs is a good night of pure silliness. life can get too serious sometimes. and being serious all the time is a downer. i mean, for real... there is a lot of serious shit happening all around us and it is easy for me to allow that to weigh me down until i'm not able to really enjoy little silly things.
(and let me just say praise the lord for the sunshine. yesssssss!)
i suppose there is a time and a place for the heavy thoughts, but sometimes it seems that i'd be content to be sorta mindless. then at the same time i sorta feel sorry for mindless people. i know, i know, we are all created in god's image and loved equally by him.
tonight, i was completely entertained by watching my feet dance in the mirror. now i realize that i am the one controlling the movement of my feet, but i was still enamored by them as they seemed to be trying to keep the beat by themsleves. and i thought, i'd like to share that joy with the blog world.
so live on my brothers and sisters. and here's to enjoying the silly little things in our lives.


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