Wednesday, August 17, 2005


the other day i was chatting with a childhood friend. i told him that he was one of the smartest people i know. he laughed, thanked me for the compliment, and told me he'd like to take me out so that i could meet more people. that's the thing though. i don't necessarily want to know more people with equal or higher intelligence than him. i like to surround myself with people of about equal intelligence to me. that's what i told him. who wants to live their life feeling dumb all the time because they can't keep up with the conversation or don't care to.
i don't consider myself to be a dumb girl, but i'm also not scholarly. i have the ability to think analytically and often do. but i enjoy a conversation about the lastest good movie just as much as a conversation about a hot issue in the news. in fact movies may be more preferable at this point since i probably couldn't tell you anything that is happening in the news right now. maybe that does make me silly... but i think i'm ok with it.

i'd also like to mention (at the risk of seeming proud) that i think i do a pretty good job reading people. i think i have good insight. this is what i love about my close friendships. there is just something very refreshing about knowing someone really well.
to all you soulmate friends of mine, you are deeply loved.


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